We were never meant to do life alone! GraceWay is a place where people of all backgrounds are welcomed and loved. At GraceWay, we believe God has called us to love one another and to encourage one another in our walk with God. To carry these callings out, GraceWay provides a variety of ministries tailored toward community and spiritual growth.


Consistent with 2 Timothy 3:16-17, we believe the entire Bible is “God-breathed” and the “inspired” Word of God. For this reason, it is our mission to learn God’s Word and to carry out its written commands. To accomplish this, we have a gospel centered message every Sunday morning. We also have weekly Sunday School classes which begin at 9:15am. Finally, we offer small groups for men and women on Wednesday nights at 6:30pm.


We truly believe that our Church family is one of the most important social groups in our lives. Therefore, it is important that we take time out to love one another and spend time together. To further this, we offer monthly dinners which take place the first Wednesday of every month on campus, free of charge. We also have special gatherings for various groups throughout the Church throughout the year. One of our most special groups is our “Tried-N-True” ministry which is designed for individuals fifty-five years and above. This group meets throughout the year and even has special fellowship nights where its members are given the opportunity to perform their own musical piece!


At GraceWay, we strive to fulfill God’s commandment to go into all the world and preach the Gospel to everyone! On the global level, GraceWay accomplishes this by spiritually and financially supporting numerous organizations and missionaries. On the local level, GraceWay hosts several events throughout the year which are designed to reach people in this community. Some of GraceWay’s most significant community-driven events include our annual Harvest Party, Easter Egg Hunt, and Vacation Bible School! In addition to reaching people through events, GraceWay wants to meet people in their time of need. Whether by sending food to a family ahead of a funeral, meeting someone for prayer in a hospital, or engaging in other aspects of ministry, GraceWay serves people in some of their most difficult times.